Between Tulle & Tears
The wedding dress – the dress of a lifetime for many women. Everyone is torn while making the choice, because the selection is huge. Choosing the right dress is a path full of pitfalls and emotions – up to the cathartic moment when the bridal outfitter asks: “Is this YOUR dress?
Goodbye Germany
Anyone can take a vacation. But emigrate?
THE DUELL – between tulle and tears
Two of the best bridal outfitters in Germany meet to court the favor of a bride in a new episode of “The duel – between tulle and tears”.
Der Alptraummann (The nightmare man)
For Julia, Sven is the fairytale prince. The man she dreams of marrying and with whom she emigrates to a remote corner of Sweden. What Julia does not know, however, is that Sven has many secrets.
Reports & Documentations
With documentaries and reports we make the reality of our society clear and reveal painful truths.
Asternweg -a dead end street
Faces and stories of poverty in Germany: A long-term observation over 5 years. In 2016, our documentary “Asternweg – Eine Straße ohne Ausweg” received the German Television Award in the category Best Reportage/Documentary.
Murderous women
What motivates women to commit horrific crimes? Julia Shaw, forensic psychologist and best-selling author, provides answers.
Jens Büchner Documentary
Jenny and Jessica Büchner, Jens’ daughters from his first marriage, travel to the places where their father lived. They meet people who were of great significance to him. These encounters deepen the relationship with her father – and with each other.
2 Families 2 Worlds
A lifestyle of abundance and a life at the subsistence level: In this format two families get to know a world unknown to them.
7 daughters
We accompany 7 daughters of famous fathers through their lives. In the studio they meet and see their films for the first time. What does it mean to be the “daughter of”?
Little Heroes Big Time!
What motivates children and adolescents who stands between “life and death” or struggle with great handicaps? The “little heroes” tell us all about this – from their own point of view.
Simply Hairy – the hairdressers
They are craftsmen, artists and comforters of the soul: Every day, Germany’s hairdressers give their all in over 80,000 salons for the good self-esteem of their customers.
Dr. Dago
An empathic paediatrician who sees young patients through his own unique eyes.
Three Wishes – One Deal
Three people who’ve never seen each other before make a deal. Each work for two days to fulfill the heart’s desires of the other two.
Look into my world
Albrecht, a 13 years old boy, has been studying at the “Palucca University of Dance” for two years. We have accompanied him throughout his life.

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